Go Url:
The GO
URL is useful when you are accessing the report in a different subject area.
follow the detailed steps to create Go Url Functionality:
- Create a summary report.
to the invoice number column properties à Data Format à Enable the Override default data format check box à Make the Treat text as Html
a detailed report. Note that detailed report belongs to different subject area
and make the invoice number as prompted.
4. Copy
the navigation of detail report url.
5. Go
to the summary report and select the invoice number properties and click on
edit formula
update the following url in column formula.
</a> à this is an html tag which is
used to represent hyper link.
ii) href
is the property to specify the destination report. Copy the detail report URL:
action is the event which specifies navigation and the value is action =
iv) P0
is the parameter which specifies the number of parameters that are transferring
from source to destination. Here in our example invoice number is the only
parameter so P0 = 1
v) P1 is
the parameter to represent the assignment (example values are eq is equal, gt
refers greater than, etc).
vi) P2
is the destination parameter where this source parameter is transferred to
corresponding destination value. (Value = ="-%20Nx_APG0_Invoice_Distributions%20(Payables%20Views)"."Invoice%20Number").
Browser unable to identify the spaces in the URL so please replace the space
with hexadecimal value of space %20.
variable name for the destination column "- Nx_APG0_Invoice_Distributions
(Payables Views)"."Invoice Number".(Replace this column name
without spaces).
vii) P3:
Source column name('||"- Nx_APG0_Invoices (Payables
Views)"."Invoice Number"||')
Here we are not replacing the spaces with hexadecimal value because while
navigating browser assign the value of source parameter.
value is: '<a
Nx_APG0_Invoices (Payables Views)"."Invoice
Number"||'>'||"- Nx_APG0_Invoices (Payables
Views)"."Invoice Number"||'</a>'
Run the
Source report and click on invoice number and it will navigate to next
destination report .
Thanks for Information OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition) is a comprehensive Business suite of enterprise BI products that delivers a full range of analysis and reporting capabilities. It gives business users the capability to perform in depth analysis and data mining of detailed business data and gives real and significant information for making critical decisions.OBIEE Online Training